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In the beginning

Writer's picture: Jenifer HeltonJenifer Helton

I hemmed and hawed over how to start this.. what would I write about, could I keep people interested, VLOGS were the new hot thing.. was I camera ready. Over analyze much?? I reflected on how Julie Powell must have felt when she started her chronicles of working her way through one of Julia Child's cook books and how she wondered if Julia ever read them. Because this is a lifestyle blog.. I have to wonder.. will my idol Martha Stewart ever read it? I mean.. I supported you through the "Orange Years" Would my cooking spirit person Vivian Howard ever even know I existed... Most likely not. However that being said, I could pretend Martha might drop by one day and do something drastic.. like clean the dust bunnies that were multiplying like it was their full time gig under my bed...

So I will start at the beginning. My obsessions came at an early age.. anyone who knows my mother will completely understand. Her sweet tea is legendary as were her love for the ruffled drapes from Cabin Creek, not allowing us in the formal living room and her insistence that her cake had fallen because my brother had jumped on his bed upstairs. At the ripe age of 22 (1998), I wondered into the library and happened to stumble upon Martha Stewart's Christmas book.. and it spiraled from there. I went through a "phase" a few years ago.. and well, even then things had to be just so. Fast forward to 2018... I have a life that I dreamed of my entire life. Friends, family, and the love of the sweetest man God ever breathed life into. How do I know this.. because he always says when I roll up with the truck full complaining that I don't think we can get it out alone.. " don't worry baby, we always manage to get it off the truck". That is of course one of the bajillion (is that really a word) reasons , but for the blogs sake, it works.

So, here we are.. at the beginning. As we move forward I will do my very best to elaborate on the journey and include things you want to read about and see!! Thank you for giving me the confidence to do this and to my 2 BFF's who affectionatly have called me Martha. KG... I know secrets.. and EM... 2 words.. ping ping. Muchas love. Muah.. Hugs.

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