In July of 2022 I wrote a post called "What would Martha do? " it was by far to date one of my most favorite post. It was also written almost a month before all hell broke loose, and our world turned upside down. Most people know everything, and there are parts that some people never will.
For the longest time, I felt like I lost a part of myself. We got wrapped up in a move, closing a business and chapter, renovating a 50+ year old house to a point of livable, so that we could move in, and continue to renovate as time, and health allowed. To say it was overwhelming would be the understatement of the year, heck for 5 years. Now for extra fun, let's add in the early stages of menopause. I kept telling myself I lost interest in so many things... but what I really lost interest in was myself. To think about it is embarrassing... but at the same time sad. I spent money on things, thinking that it would make me happy, and once I got over that hump of euphoria, I would be even more depressed. I bought gadgets and gizmos to get organized, and almost 18 months later I still have boxes in the garage that have never been unpacked. I have more lotions, potions and magic makeup than I know what to do with. If I utilized it all, I would be the baddest momma on the block. I bought the most beautiful flat of pansies and lettuces in early March with these grand ideas of planting them and making a few new beds. Guess what... they died. A slow horrible, bad plant mom death. I would walk past them in the mornings, rushed and frantic, because I was running behind, with promises to them to water as soon as I got home. It never happened. I decided at one point to document "hallmarking " our life. We deserve it.. and quite honestly, my soul needs it. It fell to the wayside, but I decided to pick it back up. Martha helped.
In the midst of all of these good times, I decided to apply to a grant program, in an effort to expand my business. I treated myself back at Christmas to a subscription of Masterclass... and guess who has 2 sessions on there? MARTHA STEWART!!! they are amazing, and I listen to them every morning while I get ready, trying to apply the lessons learned. I admit, it has been helpful with the grant. I worked this morning on some homework, and I realized that for the first time in a really long time, I actually wanted to get dressed. I wanted to fix breakfast and enjoy my coffee.. I actually was looking forward to 4:30, when my workday ended, and I could get out in the yard and work on the second batch of spring flowers that I had gotten. As I plugged my way through the day, working and listening to not 1, but 2 Nancy Meyers films, I begin to question.. "What would I do if Martha was coming over"? What would I cook, how would I set the table, what would we drink, would the flowers in the yard be right, the list could go on...

So.. I decided to make that into a series... the next chapter if you will... the journey to 50, which is now less than 2 years away. I'd love to close this decade of my life out with the best chapter. The one where I really become the woman, I know I was meant to be. Pray for the plants, pray for me.. heck while you are at it, pray for yourself. I think so many times we get so wrapped up in the day to day, that we sometimes lose focus on trying to be the best version of ourselves. I'd love to say that I will get this whole thing documented on this blog, but truth be told, it may be more in pictures over on tt...